Latest Updates

We’ve currently been working on updating this site so far we’ve accomplished uploading some photos such as Christmas,Halloween,Collectables and Limited Qty however the prices are not yet updated. Furthermore room edits have been added and a bunch of information on scamming. We are still working on adding all images and updating prices and other pages too. Thanks for your pateince

~MiniPlanet Life (The MiniPlanet Resource) ~

By theminiplanetresourcee

The MiniPlant Resource Opening

Hi and welcome to TheMiniPlanetResource Official home. Our aim is to build a site which can meet all our aims. What are our aims? Our aims are to produce a functioning site which includes a price-guide, useful information and events/competitions. Alternatively our main aim is to reach a capacity of 1000 members by March 2014 and with your help we can strive to that position.

By theminiplanetresourcee